An observation

All the authorities which ensure the management of the State and public affairs follow specific operating rules.

Legislative procedures and laws which apply in a country are the result, of joint or competing actions of various role players - Community institutions, Parliament, Government, administration - and can meet different priorities - general interest, political equilibrium, determination to dialogue, and electoral timetables.

An organisation or a company would like to legitimately emphasise its point of view during the establishment of legislation which will influence its activity, its operating process or the organisation of its markets. Voicing your point of view and being certain it is heard is giving yourself the means to understand the logic of institutions and to know the right level of intervention to ensure that your argument has impact.

Thanks to many years of experience with institutions - ministries, Parliament, Community institutions - we wanted to put our know-how at the service of institutional assistance with Government Authorities.


Our role of assistance consists of providing our customers with advice and tools which will enable them to optimise their institutional relations.